How does hypnosis help?

Optimum Performance Level

Every individual, no matter what sport they play, will have their own O.P.L. Using specific techniques during hypnosis can help identify the O.P.L. of an individual competitor for their specific event or sport and they can be trained, using self hypnosis, to trigger their O.P.L. at will.

Conserve Energy

Not only does Sports Hypnosis teach people to relax but it is a huge asset in helping to conserve energy needed for competition. A common problem for many people is the build up to competition and pre competition nerves. Nervous tension can be a huge drain on energy needed during competition. Sports hypnosis can train an individual to stay calm and switch on competition mode when the time is right instead of beginning to drain energy levels in the build up to competition. For some people this tension can start to build days or even weeks before competition.

Strength and Endurance

Studies have shown that individuals using Sports Hypnosis have demonstrated an improvement in strength and endurance. There are many documented examples of people demonstrating super human feats of strength during times of increased emotion. Sports hypnosis can help train a person’s mind to tap into this determination to succeed when going into competition.


Without realising it many people damage their performance because of the stress and anxiety they experience in their daily life. It is a drain on energy levels and hinders focus and concentration. Some may unwittingly bring their anxiety and stress into competition.

Sports Hypnosis can help an individual recognise their stress triggers, how to manage stress and eliminate it during competition.

Setting Goals

Setting one goal can be very damaging for a competitor. If they do not react it they can become demotivated and their belief becomes negative. Establishing realistic short term goals is very important. This will help build belief and keep a person motivated. As one goal is achieved they can then look to the next one.


Hypnosis is described as a heightened state of focus and concentration. When a person goes into hypnosis they concentrate so much on one thing, usually the hypnotist’s voice, they simple shut out everything else. The more a person goes into hypnosis the more they are training the mind to concentrate and focus. This becomes an instinct that they can apply to the competitive environment.

In hypnosis the subconscious does not know the difference between something real and something imagined. When you dream, in that moment the mind believes the experience is real. Knowing this we can apply this principal to the hypnosis session and create a real experience of a top class performance and a winning result. This can be repeated on a regular basis to train the brain that this is what should be expected in a real competition. The more the mind has this experience the more normal it becomes.

Hypnotherapy can also be used to emotionally detach an individual from the memories of any poor performances or any doubts a person may have about their abilities.

Belief and Expectation

Sports Hypnosis can help re-structure how a person thinks and what they are capable of achieving. A 30 day basketball study conducted in Chicago University showed that 20 minutes of self hypnosis and mental exercise produced the same muscle memory as a full hour of physical practice.

When a person Mentally Rehearses a desired result, while in hypnosis, this helps condition the brain to expect a different outcome. Very quickly the brain becomes conditioned to expect a different result while at the same time helping to build muscle memory.

Competitive Emotional State

If ever there was an example of how important this is think of the Irish rugby team facing the All Blacks standing in a figure 8 and how they performed during the game.

Everyone has their optimum emotional state for their personality and their sport. Hypnotherapy helps a person find this level and learn to trigger it as they go into competition

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